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Why You Should Keep Up With Regular Servicing

Man testing a car battery

How often do you take your car for servicing? It’s recommended to take your vehicle in to the professionals every year or every 12,000 miles. It is here they will examine the vehicle and carry out all the necessary checks to ensure your car is in good condition. This is more thorough than an MOT […]

What To Do If Your Car Fails MOT Testing

Man with a checklist on car engine

Is your vehicle due for MOT testing? It can be quite a stressful time when you have to send your car off for its annual assessment. Up to a third of cars fail the test the first time around, says the DVSA. As it’s fairly common, you don’t need to panic just yet. MOT testing […]

When Should I Replace My Vehicle’s Tyres?

Car Tyre being Change

Do the tyres on your vehicle need replacing? If you’re unsure on whether you should get them replaced, we’ve put together a list of what to check for. Obvious Damage Replace your tyres as soon as they start showing signs of damage. Cuts and bulges are signs that you need new rubber. If you continue […]

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